PROTEC ADR 32 TH2 is B.MATIC’s sheet counting machine, equipped with two counting heads with high-performance ADR 32 technology. It is mainly used in security printing for counting sheets of banknotes and securities, identity documents, bank checks and other security documents and is also perfect for counting high volumes on an industrial level.

The ADR32 counting technology is capable of counting sheets of paper, cardboard or plastic polymer with absolute precision without scratching or curling the corner with speeds up to 3,000 sheets/min.

B.MATIC has been active since 1986 with more than 7,000 machines delivered all over the world, used by the most important printers of paper money and security documents.  At this link further information on the Company.


Unlike other technologies available on the market, counting occurs without bending the corner and scratching the sheets and does not require daily cleaning or maintenance to avoid ink smudging on the sheets.

PROTEC ADR 32 TH2 is able to count with precision even in the presence of significant upward and downward deformations thanks to the “Stabilizer System 4” and the new Active Pressers Technology (APT), a system of pressers that can be easily activated from the touch panel based on the type of sheets

These features are the reason that differentiates PROTEC ADR32 TH2 from any other product on the market and makes it a superior quality sheet counting machine.

The programming interface is via a large, high-resolution, icon-based touch screen for universal use.

This is an extremely robust machine (850 kg of solid steel), mechanically designed for professional and long-lasting use.

Three versions are available:

PROTEC ADR 32 TH2 L, sheets from 40 to 300 GSM

PROTEC ADR 32 TH2 H, sheets from 200 to 800 GSM

PROTEC ADR 32 TH2 W, sheets from 40 to 800 GSM

The same versions are also produced with a single head, maintaining the same structure and the same solutions adopted for safety and high security counting.


1. No deformation or scratching of the corner of the sheet thanks to the “ADR 32” technology.

2. Maximum counting speed: 3,000 sheets/minute.

3. Maximum counting speed (3,000 sheets/minute) unchanged even during collation.

4. Active Pressor “APT” technology to accurately count even highly deformed sheets (optional).

For videos on PROTEC ADR 32 TH2, consult our Youtube channel.